Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Best Advantages of PHP Comapre Other Languages

 1: Simple and easy to learn

 2: Support

 3: Free

 4: Integration 

 5: Freedom


                – Linux

                – Mac OSX

                – Windows

                – UNIX

 6: Frameworks

     Some popular PHP frameworks include:

              – Aiki


              – Symfony




              – Silex



  7: Scalability

 8: Easier to fix problems

 9: Object Oriented 


 10: Speed   


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Monday, 13 July 2015

MUST READ::Difference Between PHP and ASP.NET

PHP and ASP.NET are server side technologies thats provides huge out of box 


framworks to devlop web application



it is open source technology which can be used for free


it is programming language used for creat web application


php was launched by rasmus lerdorf in 1995


php is also run in LINUX operating system


php works with MYSQL database my sql database is also free


php execution is faster because php uses in-buit memory space


php coding is very easy compared to other programming language.


many useful tools are available for free in php

php syntax are similar to C and C++



ASP.NET is miscrosoft technology that is expansive in price  is a platform in which programming languages  such as VB.NET and C# can be used to create application is used only in internet imformation server(IIS) is launched by microsoft in 2002 needs windows platform which is not available for free works with windows platform if used in linux then asp apache  has to be installed in server


tools are not free available in


the syntax and concepts of are simlar to the syntax of visual basic.


Differences Between PHP 4 and PHP 5?

While PHP 5 was purposely designed to be as compatible as possible with previous versions, there are some significant changes. Some of these changes include: 

  •   A new OOP model based on the Zend Engine 2.0
  • A new extension for improved MySQL support
  • Built-in native support for SQLite
  • A new error reporting constant, E_STRICT, for run-time code suggestions
  • A host of new functions to simplify code authoring (and reduce the need to write your own functions for many common procedures)  

Friday, 10 July 2015

Top 10 PHP Devloper Tips

 1) Go OOP

 2) Stay Away from Anything Ending With _once()

 3) Develop With Error Reporting On

 4) Use A Framework If You Need One

 5) Use PHP's Inbuilt Functions

 6) Protect Your Database

 7) Use POST Not

 8) Draw Before You Code

 9) Understand Your Project

 10) Code Code Code


Why "PHP" Is So Popular Language???

"PHP" is a very popular programming language used to design website. There are more than 20 million 

websites designed using "PHP". It must have its advantages. Also PHP is not perfect, it has its limitations. 

Why is "PHP" so popular? What are the advantages of "PHP"? What are limitations of "PHP"?

Advantages of PHP

  • Open source: It is developed and maintained by a large group of PHP developers, this will helps in creating a support community, abundant extension library.
  •  Speed: It is relative fast since it uses much system resource.
  • Easy to use: It uses C like syntax, so for those who are familiar with C, it’s very easy for them to pick up and it is very easy to create website scripts.

  • Stable: Since it is maintained by many developers, so when bugs are found, it can be quickly fixed.
  • Powerful library support: You can easily find functional modules you need such as PDF, Graph etc.
  • Built-in database connection modules: You can connect to database easily using PHP, since many websites are data/content driven, so we will use database frequently, this will largely reduce the development time of web apps.
  • Can be run on many platforms, including Windows, Linux and Mac, it’s easy for users to find hosting service providers.


 Disadvantages of PHP:

  • Security : Since it is open sourced, so all people can see the source code, if there are bugs in the source code, it can be used by people to explore the weakness of PHP
  • Not suitable for large applications: Hard to maintain since it is not very modular.
  • Weak type:  Implicit conversion may surprise unwary programmers and lead to unexpected bugs. For example, the strings “1000” and “1e3” compare equal because they are implicitly cast to floating point numbers.

Lets Know Secret Of "Echo" vs "Printf"






"echo" and "print" are more or less the same


They are both used to output data to the screen.


The differences are small: echo has no return value while print has a return value of 1 so it can be 


used in expressions. echo can take multiple parameters while print can take one argument. echo is 


marginally faster than print.

Esily Know About PhP




PHP( Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language 


that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML.


 -it is open sorce language


-In php css are used for design purpuse




What is wamp?????


 Acronym for Windows/Apache/MySQL/PHP, Python, (and/or) PERL

The acronym WAMP refers to a set of free (open source) applications, combined with Microsoft 


Windows, which are commonly used in Web server environments. The WAMP stack provides 


developers with the four key elements of a Web server:  an operating system, database, Web 


server and Web scripting software.


 The combined usage of these programs is called a server stack. In this stack, Microsoft Windows 


is the operating system , Apache is the Web server, MySQL handles the database 


components, while PHP, Python, or PERL represents the dynamic scripting languages.